It’s scary to think that your life can change in an instant as a result of a serious motor vehicle accident. It’s even more frightening if the driver who hurt you fails to stop or flees the scene. You are left to cope with pain, limitations, and financial stress, with an extra layer of worry that you can’t get compensation for your injuries. Should you find yourself in that unfortunate situation, we recommend reaching out to a Sault Ste. Marie hit and run lawyer.
Sault Ste. Marie hit and run lawyer can help you after an accident

You have legal options for seeking compensation and damages after a hit-and-run accident in Ontario. Our team of Sault Ste. Marie accident compensation lawyers can explain your options and help you take the necessary steps to protect your rights. There may be multiple sources of compensation you can seek, depending on how the accident occurred. For example, if the identity of the driver who caused the accident is unknown:
You have the right to claim statutory accident benefits through your own automobile insurance plan;
You have the right to sue your own insurance company under the unidentified automobile provisions of your auto insurance policy, claiming up to maximum $200,000 coverage; and
If you purchased optional Family Protection Endorsement (OPCF 44R) coverage, you can also claim coverage for damages that exceed $200,000, up to the limits of the coverage you have in place (typically up to $1 million or $2 million).
If the driver or owner of the vehicle that caused the accident is later successfully identified and it turns out that they’re underinsured, you can still make the claims discussed above. If it turns out that the negligent driver or owner has no insurance at all and you do not have an Auto, Snowmobile, ATV or Motorcycle insurance or you are not a dependent upon someone who has such a policy , you may be eligible to make a claim to the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund (MVACF) for your injuries including Statutory Accident Benefits , Pain and Suffering , loss of Income ; Loss of Housekeeping, Future Care Costs, etc.
What to do after a hit-and-run accident
The first thing to do after any car accident is seek appropriate medical attention—even if you think you’re not injured, or you think your injuries are minor. Some injuries can take time to appear. Shock can mask serious injuries.
Visiting a hospital, your doctor’s office, or a walk-in clinic helps ensure you get a correct diagnosis and proper medical treatment. The medical records will also provide crucial evidence in your personal injury claim.
How to access hit and run accident compensation
Medical assistance after a hit-and-run accident is the no.1 priority, but there are other important steps that are necessary to preserve your right to claim compensation, and you must act quickly. If your injuries are very severe and prevent you from taking these steps, you or a loved one should immediately contact a Sault Ste. Marie hit and run lawyer for advice and assistance.
REPORT TO THE POLICE. Call the police from the scene of the accident. If that is not possible due to your injuries, you must report a hit and run accident to the police within 24 hours of the accident. This is required by Ontario law. Provide as much detail as you can about how the accident occurred and provide any details you can remember about the other driver, the other vehicle (e.g., make model, colour, partial licence plate number), names and contact information of any eyewitnesses, etc. Obtain a copy of the police report.
REPORT TO YOUR INSURER. You must provide a written report of the hit and run accident to your insurance company within 30 days. The insurance company will deny access to unidentified automobile coverage if you fail to provide that notice.
CONTINUE TO COLLECT EVIDENCE. Photo and video evidence of the accident scene, the damage to your vehicle, and any visible injuries you sustained will help you build a strong case. Statements should be obtained from all known eyewitnesses, and it may be necessary to canvass for additional witnesses after the fact. Independent witness evidence and physical evidence indicating involvement of an unidentified automobile is vital to corroborate a hit and run claim.
KEEP SEEING YOUR DOCTOR AND GETTING TREATMENT. Continue receiving medical attention in the days, weeks, and months following the hit and run accident. Take prescribed medications and follow all reasonable treatment recommendations (e.g., physiotherapy, massage therapy, counselling). Doing so will advance your rehabilitation and promote maximum recovery from your injuries. Those steps are also important from a legal perspective, as the medical records and treatment notes will provide valuable evidence in your personal injury case.
Sault Ste. Marie lawyers at Feifel Gualazzi will fight tirelessly on your behalf if you or a loved one has been hurt or killed in a hit-and-run-accident.
Our lawyers specialize in obtaining financial compensation in personal injury cases involving automobiles. Contact us today for a free consultation with a Sault St. Marie accident compensation lawyer.