Have you been injured in an accident? Did you make a personal injury claim to your insurance company? If so, it’s important to take your time and carefully review your settlement to make sure it includes fair and adequate compensation. Here are three questions to ask yourself before you agree to sign anything.
1. Does the settlement cover future medical expenses? Accident victims often receive settlement offers before they’ve fully recovered from their injuries. This means you could accept an offer that covers your current medical bills but doesn’t account for the cost of future care. If you think you may need additional surgery, rehabilitation or long-term treatment, make sure you discuss this with your doctor and get a cost estimate before accepting a settlement. 2. Does the settlement include expenses other than medical treatment? Did you know that many personal injury victims are entitled to receive compensation for things other than their medical bills? In fact, most injured parties can also seek compensation for lost income, pain and suffering, property damage, loss of enjoyment of life and more. An initial settlement offer might not account for these costs, which can significantly impact the amount you recover. 3. Will accepting the settlement impact a claim for punitive damages? Before accepting a settlement, it’s important to take into consideration other forms of compensation available to you. For example, if your injuries were the result of the other person’s negligent behaviour, you may be entitled to make a punitive claim against them for additional damages. If you believe this applies to your case, you should consult a personal injury lawyer. This is because once you accept a settlement offer from your insurance company, you forfeit your right to pursue a punitive claim, which could prevent you from getting adequate compensation for your injuries. The best way to determine if the settlement you’ve been offered is fair is to consult an experienced personal injury lawyer from Feifel Gualazzi. We can closely review your case and negotiate on your behalf to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.
The experienced lawyers at Feifel Gualazzi specialize in obtaining compensation for individuals who sustain personal injuries in car accidents and other traumatic incidents. Plus, if your accident benefits claim goes to court, our team will tirelessly defend your rights to help you win the case. For a free consultation, or to learn more about our services, contact us today.